Alex in the Morning Playlist 11/11/2020

Playlist for my show Alex in the morning where I interviewed Annika Aka Hachiku about her new album I’ll probably be asleep. We talked about COVID. How the year’s been for her and the possibility of live shows. How she creates art and her work ethic. Plus if she is a City, Beach or Country person.

Was Great to chat with her and will upload her interview and a few I’ve done recently a post soon. Until then Enjoy my playlist.

The Sea The Sea Interview

Interview with Chuck and Mira of The Sea The Sea

I had the pleasure of chatting with Mira and Chuck who are the Sea the Sea. A duo who create some amazing music and currently reside in Troy New York. We talked about the themes on their album. The pandemic and current political climate in America. Was great to go in depth with them and to lean more not just about their music but who they really are and what they stand for.

Check it out here.

Then Check out their new album too! Which has such a beautifully crafted and smooth sound.

Pulse Playlist 21/10/2020

Pulse Playlist for 21/10/2020

I do a show on the Pulse in Geelong Wednesdays currently from 9 – 11 am for anyone out there who’s interested. Thought I’d upload the playlist from the latest show. I Will also upload the interviews where I chatted to both Ex-Olympian and The Sea The Sea.

So do check out the playlist I feel this was a great playlist and a great one for if you just want to kick back and chill! Especially since it’s full of great music.

Be well and enjoy new music.

Dan Whitford Interview

Chat with Dan Whitford from Cut Copy and finding out if he is a Beach, City or Country person.

I had a chat with Dan of Cut Copy last week about their latest album. What Dan has been doing during the pandemic and also if he is a beach, city or country person. Also the themes that went into their new and sixth release Freeze Melt.

It was a pleasure to be able to chat with a vocalist of a Aria award winning band and Grammy nominated at that too!

To this day Cut copy are making great electronic music which started with their roots in Melbourne and have now become a world wide name and festival staple.

An act I’ve seen live 5 times before while thinking back but I’m sure I’ve probably caught a set or two as well at festivals along the way. They’ve always been great to see live and put on a insanely good show. So once this pandemic starts to calm down I’d be keen to see them live playing new material.

They’d even be a group I’d see from my car honestly if that was the first type of live music that would be happening here in Victoria.

For a world gripped by a panddemic cut copy have done pretty well to support New order and release a new album.

Check out my Interview Below

Also, put their latest album into your playlist rotation as it really is a great addition to the Cut Copy discography.

Roya Naldi Interview

Interview with with Roya Naldi from Chicago about her album release. Music that inspires her and where she plays around Chicago.

I had the pleasure of talking with Roya Naldi from Chicago about her album release. Music that inspires her and where she plays around Chicago.

She has a unique style that is reminiscent of the sounds of the ’20s and ’30s and does so with an amazing voice at that too.

If you like what you heard you can check out more of her music from the album A Night in June.

I hope we can all go back to seeing live music and performing soon.

Views: From the cliffs to the beach

Cliffs of 13th Beach

Over the last few years while I go out and get waves. I’ve managed to come across some amazing views and managed to take some amazing photos.

I love seeing the ocean. Ocean spray. Views from the cliffs and it inspires me to get out in the ocean not just for the feeling of catching a wave. But also sitting in nature. Theres nothing better than looking down from the cliffs to see the ocean waves coming in or even just a nice day with a nice view. Then to sit out in the surf and have that view reflected back at you. Is always bliss.

Steps of Bells Beach

Every session every wave is different you never come across the same situation twice. During the same session, Week and season. It’s always changing and always different shapes, waves size and current. The waves are always changing and flowing through to the shore differently. Even if it’s just slightly sometimes.

Jan Juc from the shore

Cliffs,Reefs,Sandy shores and sand bottom waves all just in the area I live. Waves that come in to cliff faces run into bays and break on points. All happen. You can find them by yourself or with a crowd. If you go further and go places where you haven’t before away from people where there is solitude you can find bliss.

I will always head towards the beach and while my body still works I will always go out and get waves.

Going for a walk along the beach feeling the sand. Seeing the waves, The views, The senses always feel fresh. Just being around the water.

Early Morning

The love of the beach is freedom it’s excitement it’s changes. It’s never knowing what to expect when you go no matter where you go and how you look at it. It can always surprise you. Then when it’s good. It’s good. When it’s average. It’s usually good. When it’s bad. It’s just average. Even if it’s just to get wet go for a swim or just a walk along the beach. It’s always a fresh feeling for the senses.

No matter how often or how many times you go. When you go. Where you go. The feeling is always there.

Philip Island

Photos by me (Alex Kolcakovski)

Shitkid Interview

I haven’t done a international interview for quite some time now. So thought it was about time I contacted a band I’ve been really enjoying for the last year or so and wanted to know more about what they’ve been up to.

I contacted the band Shitkid who are currently Åsa Söderqvist and Lina Ericsson two people who work well together to create and play some amazing music. I was worried about this interview and sat on it for a day or so because I thought it was a horrible interview. (Turns out I was totally overthinking it and the interview sounds fine) But in my head I was a bit worried.  Åsa and Lina were great to interview they are very nice and kinda. I managed to find out a few things which I never knew.

Shitkid Lovina Isaksson.jpg
Photo by Lovina Isaksson

Things I found out:

Their SXSW show which is on YouTube that they played last year was one of the worst shows they’ve ever done. Which is crazy because if you look them up on YouTube that’s pretty much one of the first things that pops up.

They have toured excessively with the Melvins and are now good friends with them and the guitarist of the Butthole Surfers. (Even if they are like 50 years old) Still both great and iconic bands to be touring with and being friends with it’s totally amazing!

Shitkid plan on releasing two albums this year. The first one Detention then a second one later this year. They then plan on releasing EPs doing different genres  and experimenting with their sound all while touring.

Also, that they were great people to talk to!

Check out their latest songs and grab the LP when it comes out via bandcamp here.

Give the album fish a listen. I first heard this album a year or so ago and been into the band ever since.