Dregg Interview

Today I went to the city and caught up with a band who had just gotten back from the ABC studios do an interview with me this afternoon a great pleasure it was.

I caught up with Chris and Jordan of Dregg. We chatted about live shows, Their latest EP, where their music is coming from and where it lies in the world of Metal.

Chris and Jordan Chilling out the front of the State Library.

It was great talking to these guys. They really are coming from a raw and pure place. Not to mention their on point with all the issues that are currently going on and able to be a voice for the people. Dregg are well on their way to doing some huge things this year so keep a lookout for them.

Their show at the Workers club with a killer lineup is FREE and on the 19th of January.

Also, Listen to their song General Butt Naked and the whole damned EP below.