Well, I was thoroughly excited to see the fact that Kanye Airport West. Who mind you I’d never heard about (which made sense as they don’t exist) turned out to actually be the band fronted by Tism frontman Damian Cowell. While also being joined by Australian Comedian Tony Martain. My mind was blown.


I was just at first expecting Damian Cowell to be playing on stage which I mean was a treat in its self but then to also be joined by Tony. This was something on a night when I’d been to work and also lacking sleep after doing the graveyard shift on Triple R the night before. I thought I was either completely delirious or this was literally happening.

To my delight, I wasn’t hallucinating or completely losing it (A Relief). The band themselves put on a great set. Including everything from choreographed moves from the backup singers, Damian and Tony. To Damian Cowell just sometimes posing during backing vocal sections.  It was a treat for the ears as much as the eyes.

I laughed and also enjoyed the TISM disco medley as someone who’s never seen tism live it was cool to see Whatareya done live. As I mean if you were to see Tism live it wouldn’t really matter who else was in the band. They all had masks on anyway. As there was speculation as to who was in the band when they were touring in the 90s. Which has changed now and it’s known who the members were but I really feel that they can still play these songs as long as the frontman remains the same.

There was life, there was entertainment, there were laughs, I was thoroughly delighted to see them play through their songs so sharply and sound so tight. It all worked.


If you were to catch them I’d say go for it! As the main reason for the slot was to mention that they are playing ANZAC day eve at the Northcote social club. I’d be happy to catch them live again.

They also played a bunch of new songs to which were unfamiliar to the audience and to me. But with every word being thrown on the screen behind it was great to follow along and have a great laugh while doing so. For someone in a delirious state an absolute treat to be given especially when I was so unsure about going out that night due to my lack of brain activity and rest.

It Should be mentioned the sound at The Curtain is sensational and such an iconic Melbourne venue which I’ve maybe been to once or twice in my life I will frequent more I’m sure.

Great night with an unexpected sight of a band who I did not expect to see live I never thought I’d hear a TISM song live being sung by their lead singer. An unexpected surprise act which made my night.

You can catch DAMIAN COWELL’S DISCO MACHINE at the Northcote Social club on the 24th of April.

PBS Summer Interview Series

So it’s summer… The time to get hit by heat and melt! It’s also so a time when I have the opportunity to do 6 weeks of shows on PBS here in Melbourne. The show Burning Bitumen was the one I was filling in for. One I have many times before over the years. But a big stint was great as I was able to compile a ton of interviews over this time.

Late night radio has been a staple of my life for 10 years now. I get that Metal shows can’t always happen during the day (maybe one day they can and will) I also think they should. But until then late night radio is where it all lies. But I don’t mind being up at this time as long as I’ve got a decent radio show put together ready to present.

This includes collecting interviews. One of my favourite things to do on radio. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy putting together a playlist to… But truly love to meet new and upcoming artists. Also established ones and just have a chat. It’s the best part of radio meeting artists who you listen to over and over again and get to know a bit more about them and hang out for a bit.

The first band member which I interviewed over the Summer was Ezekiel Ox of Mammal and currently Superheist. It was great to meet an artist who is so political and also can have a bit of fun. I thought I’d be late to this interview. Which in my mind means if I’m not half an hour early there’s something wrong! But managed to make it right on time and get a couple cheeky photos of us holding Christmas presents at the PBS studio. As it was just before Christmas and just before Mammals Christmas shows.

Interview one down now a few more to go! I was in the process of booking other artists to interview and brainstorming with ideas when I remembered Joe played in the heavy band All of the dirt all at Once. So I got in contact with the chap.

We organized to meet at a questionable location. While there we realised the majority of the place is under construction. Which to joes amusement thought would add an “industrial feel to his industrial band” I was more worried about sound issues. But we found somewhere quiet to have a chat and I got the interview sorted for my summer fill on Burning bitumen.

Now I had a decent week of booking artist’s for the next few shows I was in the process of trying to track down a Thy art is murder interview while also contacting a few artists who were playing at UNIFY the gathering in a few weeks time. I managed to get a hold of both Dregg and Polaris.

First up as they are locals to the city of Melbourne were Dregg. Since it was easy to meet them in the CBD I did just that. To my surprise, they had also been interviewed for Triple J Unearthed. So it was cool to be catching up with a band so fresh and with a bit of a traction. They were Chris and Jordan. Two cool dudes who had a lot to say about their music and the current heavy music scene.

It is great to meet a band who knows what they were doing and where they want to go. Also very sure about what they wanted people to know about them. They are sure of themselves. Also, have a great message that they want to get out. Which was that we all need to meet and talk about all the issues at the moment instead of sitting divided. In such a political climate of being polarised which seems to be sitting not just in Australia but a world issue. A truly inspiring interview with a fresh band at the beginning of their journey.

Polaris was next up for an interview. Who mind you were gearing up for shows with the all mighty Parkway Drive. So getting them in the studio was great. We meet in the morning at the PBS studios.

This time being relaxed and on time gave me time to get prepared for this interview. Members Jamie and Ryan were great to talk to. We also got to talk about their upcoming shows at UNIFY the gathering and their recent and first European tour.

Then last but not least. I finally was able to get an interview with Andy from Thy art is murder a band who I’ve always been into and are getting ready to play shows in Australia at the biggest venues they’ve ever played in the country.

The only issue was the time difference as Andy has been all around the world and wasn’t sure of the time of the interview as he was in Brisbane at the time. Still, this wasn’t much of an issue and I was able to grab a hold of him to chat for a bit about being in a now global metal band.

We also talked about playing shows and going around the world, their prefered lifestyle. So it was cool to see how a band can change from being just a band from Australia to being recognised around the world. A feat that all bands want to achieve. Which they are in fact achieving.

So all in all. That was the summer of interviews for the show Burning Bitumen on PBS. I had a blast doing these interviews. So I hope more to come in the future.

Summer heats up Melbourne and brings the city to life. Also brings all these bands to the city to play shows. This is one of my favourite things about Melbourne. It’s insanely diverse music scene. Metal is a genre that will never quit and I can’t wait to see what I do or who I chat to next.

Looking forward to it all.

Check out the shows in full below.

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Saturday, 30 December 2017

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Saturday 27 January 2018

Dregg Interview

Today I went to the city and caught up with a band who had just gotten back from the ABC studios do an interview with me this afternoon a great pleasure it was.

I caught up with Chris and Jordan of Dregg. We chatted about live shows, Their latest EP, where their music is coming from and where it lies in the world of Metal.

Chris and Jordan Chilling out the front of the State Library.

It was great talking to these guys. They really are coming from a raw and pure place. Not to mention their on point with all the issues that are currently going on and able to be a voice for the people. Dregg are well on their way to doing some huge things this year so keep a lookout for them.

Their show at the Workers club with a killer lineup is FREE and on the 19th of January.

Also, Listen to their song General Butt Naked and the whole damned EP below.


Donny Benét Interview

It’s always great to go to a show and organize a quick interview with the person you’re seeing that night. This nights artist I chatted to the man of groove and pretty rad bass talent Donny Benét outside the Northcote social club.

We talked about shaving, the latest single, releasing his next album and when he’ll be in Melbourne town next.

Can’t watch rage because it’s daylight or during the week? It’s okay, just watch the closest thing. The digital video of his latest single Konichiwa.

Get the funk and be Funky.

Queen Victoria Night Markets

Night Market 3So where’s the best way to spend way to spend with friends and family? Well! Let me tell you this is a staple of Melbourne if you haven’t been or if you are just checking this out to see the amazing place that Melbourne can be. Look no further then the Queen Victoria night Markets.

It’s somewhere where I usually end up a few times during the summer (even winter). This time was spent with Friends, Girlfriend (who would’ve thought) And then there was my sister. All great friends and people.

The Queen victoria markets have been around for as long as I’ve been around. Well longer in fact and has always been an amazement for food and cheap shirts and 10 dollar aviator sunglasses. Not to mention the staple of hot jam doughnuts. This was just the start of the amazing food that exists within these markets during a weekly basis.

But since about 2012 has been a yearly staple in my life. Apparently in it’s 19th year as you can see has no chance of slowing down.

Night Market 1
People checking out the markets. One pondering what food to have to the left another smiling and enjoying his time to the right.

This is how the markets are the hustle and bustle and great times. If you want to find some of the best food in Melbourne while enjoying a Pimms or one or a sangria from one of the many sangria stands this is where it is.

It has it all. You want pasta. It’s got it. You want a paella it’s there! You want a pulled pork or fried chicken burger made from the softest bread that is used to make dumplings from the amazing Wonderbao well hot damn! it’s also there. Which is the way I decided to go tonight. But there is every type of delicacy you feel like from around the world. It’s there…

I decided to go for the fried chicken wonderbao burger. With the softest tastiest bread in the world. It is an amazing feast. I remember getting their mini open dumplings from the noodle markets a few months ago in  and I had to come back for more. They are somewhere I tend to get into while out on market nights.


Night Market 2
Wonderbao delisousnes Crispy chicken bun burger designed for the Queen Vic Night Markets

Simple and delicious! That’s all I had to say I mean you can get paella at any market souvlaki at any market. It’s all there! The food is so amazing though. These were so damn tasty to a delicious experience none the less the bread wonderbao makes in my opinion is second to none soft, fluffy, succulent tastes amazing as a steamed bun but to make a burger life can’t get much better. As I did enjoy the Gua Bao that they make but this is next level. If you want the softest succulent tasting food in the world in a larger form then look no further. Served which chips to which you can take or leave. To be honest it’s all about the burger.

It’s amazing the food you can get from here though. It’s all world class and if you want a one stop place for some great Melbourne food look no further the Queen Victoria Night markets really does have it.

Not to mention they are so successful and the weather lately in Melbourne has been so nice. Today with a perfect 30 degrees Melbourne life doesn’t get better then this.

Night Market 4

It really doesn’t.